My Story

Gustav Siegfried (Gus) and his Mama (Debi Tesser)

I grew up in a multi-talented Christian family, and I was gifted with many of those talents—love of words, artistic, musical. Once I learned to read, I read everything I could get my hands on, including the dictionary. My artistry and music started at an early age as well. My art began to take precedence in the form of photography,

Then all of it began to wane from lack of use. The old adage “practice makes perfect” is true even when the talent was born innately in us. As the years passed, I lost a lot of skill simply because I wasn’t using what God had given me.

One of the principles of the parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14–30 is that if you don’t use it, you’ll lose it. Once I realized that this was why I lost my aptitude, I begged God to give me another chance, and to use these abilities in His service. Oh, how how He has showered me with so many blessings from His storehouse.

I also have a passion for nature: dogs, birds, wildlife, and scenic wonders. I pray for the same passion to lead souls to God’s kingdom as I have for the creatures He so tenderly created for our joy. Photographing those marvels gives me as much pleasure in sharing them with you as it was to capture them.

So here we are writing and using photography to portray His handiwork.